Value-Chain Engineering

We employ engineering principles for developing market-responsive products.

Data Science Powered Hacks

Data-driven discovery, a fusion of data science and materials engineering.

First Principles Design

Pushing the boundaries of what's possible in materials design and innovation.

Green Revolution Stakeholder

The Green Revolution is forging the supply chain into an eco-conscious system.

Market-ready Product

Market-ready materials are the linchpin for innovation, providing the foundation for new products and technologies.

Materials Innovation

Engineering materials at the nanoscale level is opening new doors for next-gen designs.


As a beacon of ingenuity, the paradigm continually seeks practices that conserve, yet drive innovation and progress.

Our Products

We provide engineering services and materials to businesses across industry sectors.


Design & Engineering Services

Engineering Services

Plant Asset Management


Industrial Supplies

About Us

Amaranth is an award-winning B2B provider, designed to delight stakeholders by creating value in the supply chain. With science-backed tools, we employ value-chain engineering; to develop deep, responsive solutions. Experts in business and organizational psychology recommend stakeholder value chain as critical for growth. This worldview serves as the cornerstone of our business operations. We invite you to say hello at care @ for a presentation.

Our Amazing Team

Award-winning Professionals

We are proud of our deep stakeholder engagement, and remain committed to the Green Resource Revolution.

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you! Please email us at care @